music i like

for a compiled list of artists i like, see my tumblr page.

and i'm gone

you tried to emphasize and side with both your ghosts

in time i swore i'd take the straight and narrow path but still alone

i hold his ear i'm only trying to do my job tonight

kiss him on top his lips and crucify the fire

now i bend like a willow

thinkin' of you

like a murmuring brook

curving about you

as I sip on the rest of the coffee you left

a kiss left of you


tonight, there's only an inch between pain and delight

and i'm full of canadian whiskey and spite again

destruction and creation are the same thing after all

the mighty always fall

i'm unclean, a libertine

and every time you vent your spleen

i seem to lose the power of speech

you're slipping slowly from my reach

you grow me like an evergreen

you've never seen the lonely me at all

undefied, no signs of regret

your swollen pride assumes respect

talons fly as a last disguise

but no return, the time has come

you got the light, you can feel it on your back

a light, you can feel it on your back

your jigsaw falling into place


see your rugged hands and a silver knife

twenty dollars in your hand that you hold so tight

all the evidence of your vagrant life

my brother, you were gone

and you can use my skin

to bury secrets in

and i will settle you down

and at my own suggestion

i will ask no questions

while i do my thing in the background

but all the time, all the time

i'll know, i'll know

i always try

to keep my eyes from closing besides

i still see you

asleep at night

kaleidoscopic thoughts of me and you

and so you'll join my way of life

i feel my arms around you today

i think you sent them to pick me up in that same way

these softer nights are for us if you're ready

i know the way to always running

we're as quiet as two mannequins

feasting on silences

we wait for christmas to begin

to see the cracking faces

i tip my glass a toast to you

the blood spills on the carpet

waking from sleepiness

until you can see

yearning to find stars in the sky

of this glorious world

not again, not again, not again, this dream i can't awake

what is real, what is real, what is real, it's getting hard for me to take

what i need, what i need, what i need, a little somethin' i rely

and the white sugar gently hides me

todos hablan sin pensar , nadie escucha , nadie oye

solo fue una noche mas, nada nuevo, nada nuevo

tambien para disfrutar ellos se han estimulado

no se pueden adaptar, no, no, no

oh, it's such a perfect day

i'm glad i spent it with you

oh, such a perfect day

you just keep me hanging on

you just keep me hanging on

i get along with everyone i meet

i'm so sweet

you're in a bad mood

every time you wake up with the bees

stop taking this shit out on me

and i

a tear-stained pillow

doesn't seem to help me

i can't make you change your mind

i look through my window

and i see all i want to

how can i leave it all behind me now

summertime, wintertime, anytime's alright

pissing rain and sunshine

driving through the night

summertime, wintertime, anytime's alright

pissing rain and sunshine

driving through the night


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